Welcome to Crookhill Primary School


Welcome to Crookhill Primary School’s website where you will find regular updates about children’s learning and school activities and important information about our happy and friendly school. Our school provides a highly positive environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. At Crookhill Primary School, we encourage all of our children to become confident, independent, responsible and caring individuals who love learning and are proud of their achievements.

Our school motto is ‘Working together, we succeed’ as we believe that by working in partnership with parents and the community, we can support children’s learning and wellbeing together to ensure the best outcomes for all of our pupils.

Visits from prospective parents are warmly welcomed. We would be delighted to have the opportunity to show you around our lovely school and to meet our caring, skilled and dedicated staff team.

If you require any further information or would like to arrange a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Miss K. McCormack
Head Teacher

Attendance this week

  • Reception 94.14% 94.14%
  • Year 1 97.92% 97.92%
  • Year 2 91.38% 91.38%
  • Year 3 99.66% 99.66%
  • Year 4 92.61% 92.61%
  • Year 5 96.67% 96.67%
  • Year 6 97.39% 97.39%
  • Total 95.67% 95.67%

School News

Year 5’s Jubilee Week

Year 5’s Jubilee Week

Year 5 have had a fantastic week celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. After learning about the Queen's life and duties, they focused on the 1990s. They learnt about the key events, fashions and technological changes that happened in the 1990s and then spent some time...

What’s the time?

What’s the time?

Year 2 have been practising telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Before we started, we drew our own clocks on the school yard using hula hoops and chalks. We had to think carefully about where to position the numbers on the clocks and...

Class 5 Dissecting Flowers

Class 5 Dissecting Flowers

In Science, Class 5 have been learning about the different parts of a flower and their functions to support reproduction. The then dissected daffodils and found all of the different parts.

Creativity Week – Kandinsky

Creativity Week – Kandinsky

We have been looking at the work of Kandinsky. He created a piece using lots of circles. We decided to use his love of circles in our PE lesson. We designed throwing games using circles. Once we had tried them out we had a go at playing each other's games. Can you...

Hoops 4 Health Gateshead Champions 2022!

Hoops 4 Health Gateshead Champions 2022!

Well done to the Crookhill Cobras who completed an unbeaten run to become the Hoops 4 Health Champions 2022 at the Newcastle Eagles Arena on Friday night! They played magnificently and did not concede one basket during the entire tournament! Well done you to all!