Anti-bullying Week 2022

Anti-bullying Week 2022

We started the week off in Year Three with Odd Sock Day. It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! We also read a book called ‘Mud Boy.’ It is a story about a boy who is...


This week we started our unit of gymnastics in our PE sessions. We learnt how to make symmetrical balances. Some were with partners and some were different levels. When we work we try to be excellent gymnasts and show control and extension.
Mental Health Awareness Day 2022

Mental Health Awareness Day 2022

For this special day, we talked about activities that make us feel positive. We like to dance and we love to colour in! We also discovered that we like to meditate and clear our minds. We enjoyed it so much we are building into every school day. We like the calm it...
Making Connections in Computing

Making Connections in Computing

Today, we learnt about networks in computing. We made our own network with our friends and our family and even our PETS! Then we made a network in the classroom and sent messages through the classroom network.


In PHSE today we talked about our families. We discussed all the positive aspects of our families. They love us, They respect us. They listen to us. They care for us. The list was very long. Finally, we used these lovely thoughts to create some art...