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The School Day


School begins at 8.55 am. Children are allowed into school from 8.45 am when the gates are opened. We operate a ‘meet and greet’ policy so all children are welcomed into school and their classroom by a member of staff.

Members of staff are present on the gates, entrances and yards and are available to answer any queries from parents and carers. Parents are responsible for the children until they enter school.

School Sessions

Morning sessions start after registration.
During the morning sessions, children will join together at 10:30am for assembly, before going onto the yard for playtime.  Children then go back to class to carry on the morning sessions which finish for lunch at 12 noon for Key Stage 1 and 12.15 for Key Stage 2.
Key Stage 1 start again at 1.00 pm and 1.15pm for Key Stage 2.
Reception finish for home time at 3.10pm and all other classes finish for home time at 3.15pm.

Absence Procedures

If your child is going to be absent from school please telephone school on the first day of absence before 9.15am to inform us of the reason for and the anticipated length of absence. The School Business Manager will inform the class teacher of the details supplied. If school is not informed about an absence, the School Business Manager will endeavour to contact parents to ascertain the reason for absence. If parents cannot be contacted then a member of staff will make a home visit.  These procedures are necessary because we are required by law to keep a record of ‘authorised’ and ‘unauthorised’ absences for the Education Welfare Office and Safeguarding Regulations. Please see Attendance Policy for further details.


Children in Reception and Key Stage One are provided with a piece of fruit.
Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for morning break – fruit, vegetables or healthy cereal bar. A healthy tuck shop runs every playtime selling fruit pots, cereal bars and yoghurt drinks.


The school day ends at 3.15 pm. The school operates a ‘meet and greet’ policy where teachers will escort their classes from the school premises in an orderly manner. Parents are requested to wait in the yard to collect their children.


No child having a school meal or packed lunch is allowed outside the school gates at lunch time. School lunches are £3.00 per day (£15.00 per week). Children bringing a packed lunch must have these in a suitable container that is clearly labelled with the child’s name. Lunch boxes are collected at the start of the day and stored until lunchtime. We are a healthy school and work very hard to encourage healthy lifestyles. Please ensure that the packed lunch provides healthy options for your child and does not contain chocolate bars, sweets or fizzy pop. All children are provided with a water bottle, which can be filled at home with water for them to drink during the day.