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Year 3 News

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  • 24/01/23

    Bird Workshop

    Today we had a visit from Miss Bell who told us all about birds. We became bird experts, identifying their features, colours and their song. We even got the chance to use binoculars to help spot any birds in the school field.  
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  • 24/01/23

    Stone Age Stew

    Last week, as part of our Technology work, we made Stone Age stew! We learnt how to chop the vegetables carefully with a knife. Some of them were a bit tough. Once it had cooked in the slow cooker we finally got a taste!  
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  • 13/12/22


    Our PE lesson today was all about asymmetry. We create asymmetrical balances on our own and then with partners. We also created short gymnastic sequences. To be excellent gymnasts, we hold our balances for 4 seconds and extend our fingers and toes. “Gymnastics makes me happy...
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  • 07/12/22

    3D Shapes

    Today we looked at 3D shapes. We counted their faces, edges and vertices. Then we tried to make a 3D shape with playdough. It was easy to make the curved faces but it was tricky to get the flat faces. Eventually, we had a playdough shape that we could describe.  
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  • 21/11/22

    Stone Age Day at the Rising Sun Country Park

    What a fantastic day we have had! We have spent the day in the Stone Age! This morning, we threshed corn to get the seeds. Then we tried our hand at minnowing to separate the chaff and finally we grinded the seeds to make flour. We realised this was all hard work to produce a small amount of flou...
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  • 16/11/22

    Anti-bullying Week 2022

    We started the week off in Year Three with Odd Sock Day. It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! We also read a book called ‘Mud Boy.’ It is a story about a boy who is bullied at school an...
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  • 16/11/22


    This week we started our unit of gymnastics in our PE sessions. We learnt how to make symmetrical balances. Some were with partners and some were different levels. When we work we try to be excellent gymnasts and show control and extension.  
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  • 10/11/22

    Plant investigation

    We have been learning all about plants. We know that plants need certain things to survive and thrive and we also found out that plants are called producers because they make their own food. We investigated what would happen if we put a Basil plant on the window sill, in the light and one in the...
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  • 11/10/22

    Mental Health Awareness Day 2022

    For this special day, we talked about activities that make us feel positive. We like to dance and we love to colour in! We also discovered that we like to meditate and clear our minds. We enjoyed it so much we are building into every school day. We like the calm it makes is feel.  
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  • 04/10/22

    Making Connections in Computing

    Today, we learnt about networks in computing. We made our own network with our friends and our family and even our PETS! Then we made a network in the classroom and sent messages through the classroom network.  
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  • 13/09/22

    Computing – Digital Devices

    In computing, we found out what digital devices are. We learnt that they need an input, they do a process and give an output.  
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