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Year 1 News

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  • 21/12/23

    Reception and Key Stage One, Christmas Party

    The children have worked so hard on their Nativity performance. It was time to let down their hair and have a fun time at the Christmas party. There was lots of dancing, games and food. A great time was had by all.  
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  • 19/12/23

    Year 1 Nativity

    Our Year 1 Nativity cast 2023! All the children worked extremely hard and pulled off two amazing performances, well done Year 1!  
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  • 14/12/23

    Forest School

    The children had a fantastic time at forest school. We spent time collecting resources for our 2024 calendar before sharing a story and playing with our friends!  
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  • 21/12/22

    Year 1 Nativity

    Crookhill were proud to present their first Nativity in 3 years to all of the parents. The children worked so incredibly hard to re-tell the Christmas story through their beautiful singing and acting skills. We are so proud of all the children and hope you enjoyed the performance. Take a look at som...
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  • 20/12/22

    Christmas Party

    Christmas party afternoon! This afternoon we got changed into our party clothes ready to dance, play games and eat party food with our friends. We had a great time!  
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  • 11/10/22

    Art – Exploring Lines

    This afternoon in Art year 1 have been exploring lines using the work of Bridget Riley as a stimulus. We looked at different types of lines including: vertical, horizontal, wavey, cross-hatched, diagonal and broken lines. We spent some time in the yard practicing these using chalk before returning t...
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  • 11/10/22

    Exploring Our Local Area

    This afternoon as part of our Geography unit year 1 went out on a walk around the local area. We were so excited to head out! When out in our local area we saw different types of houses including some of our own, the war memorial, the local shop, Stargate Chippy, Stargate Hall and to finish we spent...
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  • 10/10/22

    World Mental Health Day 2022

    Today was World Mental Health Day and year 1 have been learning about the importance of looking after our mental health. We discussed different feelings and our actions as a result of these feelings. We then thought about all the people and things which make us feel happy. Here are some pictures of...
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  • 07/10/22

    Science – Investigation

    Today in Science, we continued our plants topic where we planned our first investigation. Before we started we discussed what an investigation is and the steps we need to follow. As a class we discussed what we were going to investigate and developed our question: What do plants need to grow? We the...
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  • 06/10/22

    National Poetry Day 2022

    Today is National Poetry Day and the theme for this year was the environment. We wrote an Autumn poem using our senses, before writing our poems we spent some time outside exploring our environment to help us get some ideas.  
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  • 05/10/22

    Geography – Compass

    Today in Science we looked at the Compass, we discussed the purpose of a compass. We discussed the four simple compass directions North, East, South and West and labelled our own. We look forward to next lesson when we will use simple compass directions as we explore our local area using a map...
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  • 03/10/22

    PE – Locomotion, Running

    Today in PE we continued developing our running technique and looked at acceleration, deceleration and change of direction. We then applied our skills to a whole class game were we had to avoid the taggers by applying our change of direction and change of speed on a given command.  
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