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All children are admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Most children come from our Early Years Pre-School.

The school encourages parents to express interest in admission as early as possible by contacting the Head Teacher, however, the school follows the LA admission policy and procedure when it considers admissions to the school. Parents wishing to visit the school before applying for a place are very welcome. Please contact Kristine McCormack, Head Teacher, on 0191 433 4066.

Several visits to the school are arranged for all new starters. A special meeting is organised for parents to meet the staff and so we can explain school procedures. Everyone will be given an Induction Pack at this meeting, explaining relevant information about visits to school, essential dates etc.

The school admissions criteria are in line with the LA admission policy.

Please visit the Gateshead Council website for details of the LA admission policy.

If we are unable to instantly offer your child a place because the relevant year group is full then names can be added to the admissions waiting list. School places are allocated according to the agreed criteria